We strongly believe that architecture, as a natural reflection or mirror of society should bring together cultural, spiritual and technological values, and become a value complex by fusing them together.
We strongly believe that architecture, as a natural reflection or mirror of society should bring together cultural, spiritual and technological values, and become a value complex by fusing them together.
With the development of world economy, globalism has provided architects increasing opportunities to design extraordinary buildings and landmarks around the world, in an effort to attract investment and tourism worldwide, to benefit the local economic development. With the internationalization of architectural design, GAI pays strong emphasis on reserving unique local flavors, to avoid losing local cultural and spiritual identity while gaining technological benefits.
We strongly believe that architecture, as a natural reflection or mirror of society should bring together cultural, spiritual and technological values, and become a value complex by fusing them together. We believe in the continuity of tradition and that tradition is not arbitrary but grows out of sensitivity to local context: environmental and cultural. Our design focuses on the creation of spaces that evoke environmental awareness, so that our architectural design could become an artistic work in demonstration of local culture and valued treasure. While in the pursuit of excellence, we strive to enter into a dialogue between our works and the target social groups, to further look into their history and future.
G.A.I.的建筑师们坚持认为,建筑是社会的自然反映。它应该是文化、精神和技术的统一体,也是一个创造和凝聚价值的综合体。我们认为传统有其延续性, 它来源于当地的环境和文化内涵。我们的设计注重创造唤醒文化意识和文化交融的建筑空间,使我们的建筑作品成为当地文化的承载者和凝聚价值的结晶体。我们在追求卓越的同时,将更多的关注并探讨我们的作品所服务的社会群体以及他们的历史和将来。